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Blocked drains easily happen to be one of the most complicated of all plumbing issues, and even poses health hazards. Drains can be blocked due to:

  • Excessive amounts of toilet paper flushed down the outlet.
  • Misalignment of the pipes, as a result of which the water cannot flow properly.
  • Pipe collapse caused by the movement of heavy machinery over it or simply old age.
  • Small cracks in drainage pipes are often penetrated by tree roots, which then grow and block the drain.

Drains can be blocked in a variety of ways and you might be able to clear them by yourself. Professional plumbers equipped with the necessary tools can clean out the pipe or repair it as needed.

A blocked drain usually shows a number of signs that can help you detect that the drainage pipes might be blocked. The most noticeable among them is the horrid odour that a blocked drain would give out. You might also hear sucking or groaning sounds that are created when the water pushes its way past the blockage. Another way to check for a blocked drain is to pour water into the sink and see how long it takes to go down. If it takes longer than usual but the sink itself isn’t blocked, it is likely a case of a blocked drainage pipe.

Plumbers are equipped with a variety of tools that are used to detect problems as well as to solve them. Here are a few tools that you might find a plumber using to unblock a drain:

  • Drain cameras: A drain camera consists of a small camera attached at the end of a flexible rod. This rod can be inserted into any drain pipe and the flexibility allows the plumber to move the camera even through bends.
  • Auger: Also known as a drain snake, an auger is a tool that is inserted into a drain-pipe and rotated rapidly to break down and clear debris.
  • Water jetter: Using this tool, plumbers can spray the insides of a pipe with high-pressure water to clear any build-up or remove blockages.

An outside drain can be blocked in multiple ways and you would have to start with finding the blockade. Open the drain cover and check if the obstruction lies right under it, in which case you may clear it yourself. In case of a deeper blockage, you may use the following tools if you have them already:

  • You may use a drain snake to clean out the pipe.
  • If the obstruction lies very deep inside, you would need a water jetter to wash it out.

However, if you are unable to clear the pipe, do not have the tools or simply cannot detect the blockage, you would have to hire a licenced plumber to get it done.

Using a solution of baking soda and vinegar is the easiest way to clean a smelly drain. At first, one has to pour some hot water into the drain, following it up with a cup of baking soda. Two cups of vinegar need to be added and the solution should be allowed to fizz. The solution is to be left there for a while and at least an hour later, the drain has to be flushed using hot water. In most cases, this method effectively clears smelly drains. However, if it fails, the drain is likely clogged too much and you would require professional plumbing services to get it cleaned.

In case if your drains aren’t flushing properly and creating gurgling noises, there might primarily be two reasons behind it:

  • A faulty venting system: Drainage systems come with plumbing vents that enable air to travel through the drains without hampering the water flow. However, when the vents get blocked, the drainage system stops functioning properly. The air pushes against the water, creating the gurgling noises.
  • A partial blockage: In case if a drainage pipe is partially blocked, the water will create a gurgling noise as it strains to push its way past the clog. The clog would also cause the water to flow much slower than usual.

Chemical drain cleaners are one of the easiest solutions for a homeowner to clear a clogged drain. However, it might actually do more harm than good to a plumbing system. These cleaners come with a number of properties that make them risky to use:

  • Corrosive nature: Drain cleaners consist of chemicals that melt clogs by generating high temperatures. However, this can also melt or corrode the pipes, resulting in expensive damages.
  • Toxic: Chemical drain cleaners can be very toxic and can pose health hazards if not handled carefully.
  • Not always effective: Drain cleaners can clear only certain types of clogs and using a cleaner for the wrong purpose can damage your plumbing system instead of cleaning it.

A blocked toilet problem may arise from a number of causes. However, two of the common reasons behind it are:

  • A blocked toilet trap: A toilet trap is the curved segment in the lower bowl unit of a toilet which holds the standing water at its level and prevents sewer gasses from entering the home. Throwing non-flushable items into the toilet can end up blocking this trap.
  • A blockage in the plumbing vent: Most of the plumbing fixtures are connected with roof vents which keep the plumbing system supplied with fresh air. However, a clog in a toilet vent can create a vacuum and hinder drainage.

A gas leak in your house is very dangerous and poses a threat to life and property. If you suspect that there is a gas leak in your home, you should treat it as an emergency and get it addressed without any delays. A gas leak can easily result in a fire, especially if there is a naked flame around. If there aren’t enough openings and the gas gets trapped inside your home, the air could turn toxic due to the accumulation of the gas. It is highly recommended to turn off the gas valve the moment you smell a gas leak and contact a licenced gas fitter.

Usually, a gas leak is likely to show certain signs that you might use to detect one. For instance, the smell of gas is quite distinct and similar to the smell of rotten eggs. This is one of the first and most obvious signs of a gas leak and should not be ignored. If the leak is big enough, you might also hear a hissing sound when you’re near it. In case if you do hear the sound and sense that a specific pipe might be leaked, place your hand on it and feel the temperature. A leaking pipe would be cold due to the drop in pressure.

There are specific tools that you may use to check for a gas leak if you suspect that there might be one. A gas leak detector would be the best choice as it is intended for the very purpose of detecting gas leaks. However, if you have a carbon monoxide detector at home, it would do the job too. While it doesn’t specifically detect gas leaks, it measures the levels of potentially dangerous gases in the air and it would alert you of the gas leak if you already suspect one. You may also apply a solution of soapy water along the pipe and watch for bubbles forming due to the leaking gas.

You may hire a professional gas fitter to get a natural gas connection in your house. However, you would first have to make sure whether your street has a gas connection at all. This you would be able to do either by visiting the natural gas website or by checking if your neighbours have gas meters. If it turns out that your street does have a gas connection, you would have to get a gas meter installed on your property by the utility company. Once it is installed, all you have to do is hire a licenced gas fitter, who would extend the gas connection to all the necessary parts of your home.

If you happen to smell gas in your house, chances are that a gas leak might be taking place. Your first move in this case should be to turn off the gas valve to stop any more gas from leaking. If your windows aren’t open already, open them up so that the gas trapped in your home so far can escape. Accumulation of gas in the air can result in hire hazard or breathing problems. Once you have averted the immediate dangers, call up a licenced gas fitter or a reliable plumbing company that offers emergency and gas fitting services.

Professional plumbers who are adequately equipped use various devices to detect a gas leak and to find the exact location of the leak. Gas leak detectors are among the most effective tools that can be used to detect a gas leak in a house. Another easy way to detect a gas leak is to smell the air. Natural gas supplied to homes carries the smell of rotting eggs and this is a distinct sign. If a gas stove is burning, you may observe the colour of the flame. Although the flame is blue in normal situations, it may turn yellow due to the falling oxygen levels in the air during a gas leak.

You cannot move your gas meter to a new location by yourself, as the job requires certain equipment in order to be carried out safely. Improper handling of gas can be quite dangerous, as any leakage would prove to be a major hazard. Moreover, it is illegal for anyone other than licenced gas fitters to relocate a gas meter. However, if the current location of your gas meter is inconvenient or it would be beneficial to have it placed elsewhere, you may hire the services of a professional gas fitting company. The reputed plumbing companies offer gas fitting and meter relocation services.

Generally, a branded hot water system has a lifespan of around ten years on an average. If your heating system is already around ten years old or even older, the problem might simply be caused by ageing. However, if the heater fails to heat water or the water isn’t as hot as usual, it is possible that the heating element isn’t functioning properly. Other problems that might cause the water heater to be faulty are:

  • Lack of tank maintenance
  • Small tank capacity compared to the household’s needs
  • A defective thermostat
  • A tripped temperature cutoff switch
  • Water leaks.

In case if you are unable to find the cause, you may hire a professional to get it detected and fixed.

Whether you would be able to use a leaking hot water system actually depends on the type of leakage. A little leakage from the TPR valve, for instance, is a common problem and does not pose any major threat. However, a big leak near the top of your water heating system or any other part of it might be a cause of concern. In this case, it is highly advisable to stop using the hot water system and call a licensed plumber immediately. In case if you are unsure about how to find one, you may simply contact a reputed plumbing company.

The problem may or may not lie in your hot water system itself. There are a number of factors which can cause the pressure of the hot water to fall:

  • If the tank of your hot water system isn’t cleaned regularly, scale and sediments can build up inside it. Over time, this creates blockages in the system.
  • A water leak would cause the system to lose water constantly, which would reduce the water pressure.
  • The pipes might get clogged with rust, debris, sediment, calcium, etc., choking up the water flow.

Hot water systems might also deliver water at a low pressure as a result of ageing.

Typically, you may expect a hot water system from a reliable brand to last around eight to twelve years. It is usually recommended to get a water heating system replaced once it gets about ten years old. However, the lifespan also depends on a number of other factors. When aware of these, you would be able to increase the lifespan of your hot water system.

  • Hard water results in a faster build-up of sediments inside the heating tank, reducing its lifespan.
  • An annual maintenance of the hot water system can greatly increase its lifespan.
  • The tank should be flushed on a regular basis to clear out waterborne particles.

With proper care, you may extend the lifespan of the system to even twenty years.

With a number of brands offering hot water systems, you have several options to choose from. Rheem, Therman, Everhot and Rinnai are some of the leading brand names. If you do not have much knowledge about hot water systems or aren’t sure which one would be the best for you, you may also seek the help of a reputable plumbing company. The well-established plumbing companies offer hot water systems from all these brands. The professionals would be able to provide you with valuable suggestions. Spending some time and effort in choosing the right hot water system would prove to be economically beneficial in the long run.

Generally, manufacturers recommend hot water systems to be flushed once a year. However, you might need to flush it more often, such as twice a year if you live in an area with hard water. For instance, if there are large amounts of lime in the region, the water could contain magnesium and calcium deposits. If these deposits form sediments inside the tank of the hot water system, it might result in calcification over time. Calcified sediments are much harder to clean and harm the system over the years. In case if you feel that the water in your region might carry large volumes of deposits, you may consult a licenced plumber to know how often you should flush the tank.

Generally, multiple fixtures in a house are connected by the same hot water and cold-water pipes. The hot water and the cold water mix together before coming out of the shower. Now, if a hot water tap is turned on, some of the hot water from the pipeline would get diverted to it. The water from the shower, would therefore turn colder as hot water is decreased. Toilets use cold water and when one is flushed, it reduces the cold water supply that reaches the shower. In this case the shower would start giving hotter water. This is quite normal and not an issue to be worried about.

In order to allow your water heater to actually last for its full lifetime, you would have to ensure that it gets serviced periodically. Generally, it is recommended to get it checked every few months by experienced plumbers. The relief valves might need to be replaced every five years or so, while the tank generally requires to be flushed at least once a year. Servicing also includes cleaning up the system as various water-borne sediments might deposit inside it. With proper servicing at regular intervals, your hot water system would not only last for its expected lifespan, but you may also manage to extend its lifespan by several years.

The best way to get a leaking tap fixed is to get it handled by professionals. However, if you are planning to repair it yourself, make sure you don’t skip the preparation stage. Turn off the water main and then turn on the tap to let out all the excess water trapped inside. If the tap is on a sink, make sure to plug it so that you don’t lose any small pieces down the drain. Once done, start removing the following parts of the tap one by one:

  • Button
  • Handle
  • Shroud
  • Body
  • Jumper valve

Replace the jumper valve with a new one of the same size and put the tap back together. However, this process would work only if the leak is due to a broken washer, which happens to be the case most of the time.

Running toilets are a very common plumbing issue, where the cistern fails to shut off. This results in the constant noise of flowing water, besides wasting large volumes of water. The common reasons behind this issue are:

  • The flush button might be stuck midway, causing the cistern to keep running.
  • A slow leak in the cistern would result in a constant loss of water.
  • If the float device rises too high, the water would reach the overflow tube.
  • The toilet would run intermittently in case if the flapper valve wears out.

To fix a running toilet, you would have to hire a professional plumber who possesses the necessary equipment and experience.

Usually, professionals use specialised leak detection equipment to detect leaks in plumbing systems. However, if you are trying to find the leak yourself, here are a few things you can check:

  • Walls: An unusual dampness in the walls might indicate a leakage in the internal plumbing. If the leak is too severe, you might also hear dripping sounds on putting an ear against the wall.
  • Toilet: To test if you have a leak in your toilet, pour some food colouring into the cistern and watch if the colour leaks into the toilet bowl.
  • Yard: If you notice a patch of green grass or moss growing in your yard or anywhere outdoors within your property though it shouldn’t be there, a water leak might be the cause behind it.

Plumbing leaks aren’t always visible as large portions of plumbing systems lie underground or inside the walls. In case if you start receiving unusually high water bills although there are no evident leaks you can see, there might be one in the piping. You may start by inspecting your property closely and looking for water seepages along the walls or near the ground. Internal leakages may also result in a dampness on the wall in that area. When leaking water reaches the surface, especially in the outdoor portions of the property, it may also lead to the growth of moss or grass.

In case if you detect a major water leak in your house, you should try to fixed it without any delay as an uncontrolled waste of water would bring you a hefty bill. However, it is not recommended to try any DIY methods for it as you may end up causing more harm than good without adequate equipment and training. Quite often, fixing big water leaks require installations to be dismantled and such works should be carried out only by trained professionals. Contact a reputable plumbing company immediately and tell them about the problem. In case if the water leak isn’t visible, they would also be able to detect it accurately using sophisticated equipment.

A plumbing system is complex and a variety of reasons can cause a leak in it. Here are some of the most common causes of plumbing leaks:

  • Ageing: Once a property gets old, so does its plumbing. Due to constant use and movements in the building’s foundations, the pipes may crack and start to leak.
  • Broken seals: During the installation of a plumbing system, seals are attached around the connectors to make sure they stay water tight. However, leaks may occur of the seals break or wear out.
  • Blocked drains: A blocked drain can easily cause a leak as the build-up of water pressure in the pipes would cause it to get damaged.

To understand the cause behind brown water coming out of your tap, you would first have to detect where the brown water is coming from. Turn on the hot water tap and the cold water tap one by one, respectively. If it is only the hot water that is brown, the problem lies in your heater. If both the taps give out brown water, then your pipes might have been rusted. Accumulation of sediments inside the pipe may also result in brown water, especially if a change in the water pressure breaks them down and washes them out of the tap.

A knocking sound from your pipes might not necessarily be a hazard that needs to be fixed urgently. However, the sound can be disturbing and you might want to get rid of it. It usually originates from air bubbles compressed within the pipes trying to push out. The knocking sounds may also be caused if the piping is not secured properly during installation. If you are unable to detect the exact reason, you may hire a plumber to take a look. They would secure your pipes properly with the right fittings or solve the air bubble problem as needed using the necessary equipment.

One of the most effective techniques of fixing underground pipelines is pipe relining. It is typically used as a remedy for leaking or broken pipes. In this method, the plumbers dig a hole or two to insert a deflated textile liner into the pipe. The liner is coated with a relining material, such as resin. When the liner is inflated, the relining material takes the form of a pipe inside the original pipe and hardens. The new pipe is durable and can last for many years, thus providing a great solution for broken underground pipes. The biggest advantage of this method is the fact that it doesn’t involve a lot of digging.

Pipe repairing has become one of the most popular plumbing solutions for broken or leaking underground pipes in recent times. One of the key reasons behind the popularity of this method is its affordability compared to the other alternatives. For instance, before pipe relining was introduced, broken pipes had to be replaced entirely. This involved digging up a large area, which was a labour-intensive process. Apart from the hefty expenses for labour, one would also have to spend money on the rehabilitation of the surrounding area. Pipe relining is, therefore, a cost-effective option that would help you save money in multiple ways.

Unless a plumber checks on your pipes and lets you know, you would have no idea when to reline your pipes until problems arise. For instance, a problem in your sewer pipes would reflect in an overflowing drain. The water from your sinks and showers might drain slowly too, as a blockage in the drainage system would slow down the water flow. However, if you arrange for regular maintenances, you would get to know about a potential problem in your pipes before it becomes a major issue. A reputed plumbing service provider would be able to offer you the necessary maintenance and leak detection services.

The modern relining techniques have made it possible to reline almost every type of pipe. The sophisticated technologies implemented by the professional plumbers enable them to repair the pipes efficiently and effectively using the relining techniques. Bends and junctions within the pipes, which suffer from leaks and breakages, often can be relined as well. The leading plumbing companies first check out the damage by inserting small CCTV cameras inside the pipe and locating the issue. Then, after clearing out the blockage, they would insert the relining material into the bend and get it fixed. This is also economical, as only the damaged portion can be relined specifically.

Among the various pipe relining technologies, Brawoliner Technology is known to be the world’s best. Brawoliner is a German company producing state-of-the-art pipe relining technologies and materials. The Brawoliner materials have been developed after considerable research and are quite durable. A relining job carried out using Brawoliner material is expected to last at least fifty years. Considering the fact that plumbing problems in underground pipes are quite a hassle, you would want to get the job done using the best available technology. The reputable plumbing companies that offer relining services make sure to use Brawoliner technology to achieve the best results.

Trenchless pipe relining is also known as ‘no digging’ pipe relining and is one of the most sophisticated relining techniques. Using Brawoliner technology, plumbers can get your pipes relined without having to dig any trenches. At most, they might have to dig a couple of small holes that can easily be filled up after the job is done. Essentially, this removes various hassles on the part of the homeowners as they don’t have to deal with a dug-up yard. As the entire trench-digging phase is excluded, the expenses are greatly curtailed too. In other words, it is a fast, cost-effective and efficient way to reline a pipe.

The durability of a pipe depends greatly on the materials and technologies used in the process, along with the experience of the plumbers who carried out the job. For instance, when a pipe is relined using Brawoliner technology, you may expect the relining to last for at least five decades. With the advancement of technology, various sophisticated materials are being developed. The leading plumbing companies use the latest and best quality materials, such that the relining lasts long without any issues. While hiring a plumbing company to reline your pipes, you might want to check out how reliable their plumbers are and what technologies they use.

Almost each and every type of pipes can now be repaid, thanks to the various modern relining technologies. The exact relining technique to be implemented depends on the type of pipe and the issue to be solved. When you hire a professional plumbing company, they would spend a considerable amount of time figuring out the exact issue. Accordingly, they would plan their approach of repairing the pipe. For instance, if it is an underground drainage pipe penetrated by tree roots, they would first clean out the roots from inside the pipe and then reline it with a durable relining material.

In case of an overflowing storm drain, you may look for the blockade by removing the drain cover with a gloved hand. If the blockage is near the opening and something that you can clear yourself, you may go ahead with it. However, if the blockage is too deep or you cannot even see it, you might want to request emergency plumbing services. Professional plumbers inspect the blockage by inserting cameras into the drain, thus gaining a view of what exactly is clogging the drain. Accordingly, they would use the necessary equipment to clear it out. Unless treated urgently, an overflowing stormwater drain can flood your property and cause serious damages.

A burst water main can not only make you suffer financial losses through expensive water bills, but can also cause damages to your property. Shut off the main valve as soon as possible to stop the water from flowing out. If necessary, you may divert the leaking water into a drain or collect it in buckets. Once the situation is under control for the time being, contact one of the leading plumbing companies in your locality. It is recommended to go for one that offers emergency services, as a burst water main is a situation where delays can prove to be expensive and quite inconvenient.

If one of the installations at your home, be it a tap or a shower refuses to turn off, it would result in a constant outflow of water and in turn, a costly water bill. Eventually, it may also flood your home if the drainage system isn’t sufficient to handle constantly running water for long periods of time. In this case, you would first have to contain the water or divert it to a drain. Then turn off the main valve or the isolation valve, depending on whether you reside in a house or a flat. Next, simply contact a professional plumbing service to get the tap fixed at the soonest.